I got tagged by Dede. Here goes...
Ten Years Ago...
I was getting ready to start my senior year in high school. That summer was spent working at K-Mart, designing the yearbook, and going to cheer practice. Ryan left on his mission that summer, so I got to drive his car.
Five Years Ago...
I was a newlywed. Sam and I lived in a one-bedroom apartment with a tiny kitchen. I had just graduated from BYU and was anticipating my first teaching job.
Five Months Ago...
I was teaching school. 3rd Quarter was just about to end, so I was busy grading papers and finalizing everything. At home, Sam's birthday was approaching. I was about 6-8 weeks pregnant and very sick!
My List of Five Things to do Tomorrow:
1. Clean the house
2. Weed the back flower beds.
3. Go shopping
4. Read
5. Play with Halle
(I'm now realizing that I have no life! I have nothing to do tomorrow.)
Five Bad Habits:
1. Leaving my shoes all over the house.
2. Spending too much money.
3. No patience
4. Buying too many toys for Halle
5. Complaning
Five Places I Have Lived:
1. Riverton
2. Cottonwood Heights
3. Provo
4. Salina
5. Redmond
I tag... Janell, Alison, and Autumn