Somehow, our summer of swimming and "fun in the sun" has turned into staying inside watching the rain. And, by rain, I mean buckets and buckets of rain. Crazy weather! Anyway, we've been moving our fun inside and keeping our fingers crossed that we'll be able to enjoy some sunshine soon.
We enjoyed a day at the Children's Museum with Dani, Isabel, and Paisley. It was great to hang out with them. Halle and Isabel got along great, and Dani and I got to see our childhood dream of having daughters as friends come to life.

We've been playing with friends a lot, too! Quinsi and Halle love to have beauty parties. They get their hair, nails, and make-up done just so they can go play in the dirt.

Chasers has been enjoying his baths. He would stay in the tub all day if I let him. It's the only place that I can get him to hold relatively still.

And somehow, Chase has already learned to pull himself up to his feet. All of a sudden, he can make it up all of the stairs, "speed crawl", and get on his feet. He keeps me busy!

We've had some fun, but we definitely want the sun to shine again, and soon!