Friday, November 11, 2011

The World is His Outhouse

We have a minor problem at our house. Chase, our newly potty-trained son, is having a slight problem understanding that even when he's outside, he still needs to go inside to use the bathroom. To him, it's a total waste of time. He'd much rather just drop his drawers wherever he is, and take care of business--if you know what I'm sayin'.

Case in point:

Yesterday, I took the kids to get ice cream after Halle returned home from school. After I got Lizzie out of her carseat, I walked around to the other side of the van to find Chase with his pants around his ankles, peeing all over the garage floor. "Mom, big pee," he tells me. Halle thought it was the funniest thing she had ever seen. And, I admit, it was hilarious, but I tried not to laugh, so I wouldn't encourage the behavior. We had a nice talk about using the potty, and I moved on with life.

Which leads to:

Today, Chase was in the front yard with Halle & the neighbor kids picking up leaves. Sam and I were watching them from the front window. Lo and behold, he hadn't been out there 5 minutes, and he needed to pee. Go inside right? No. Who needs inside when you can just take care of business on the curb as a couple cars are driving by?!? Mortified, I sent Sam out after him. The neighbors got a good laugh at it. We had yet another talk about coming into the house to use the potty.

Yes, we have a little problem on our hands. Please, as winter time approaches, remind your kids not to touch the yellow snow. Or, for that matter, please remind them not to turn the snow yellow. We will definitely be having that conversation at our house.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Chase is 3!

We celebrated Chase all day on Friday. He loved it! He was spoiled with TONS of presents, which left Sam and I wondering what we are going to do for Christmas. Oh, well. We will worry about that another day.

He loved blowing out his candle. So much, in fact, that he blew it out 6 times. 3 times when Grandpa & Grandma Taylor came over, and 3 times when Grandpa & Grandma Burr visited.

At 3, Chase:

**loves garbage trucks, or "Stinky", as he calls them
**still has not made it through an entire sacrament meeting (45 minutes is his longest stretch)
**LOVES "tall, tall, big" (also known as milk... he likes us to fill up his cup "tall, tall, big)
**is potty trained!
**is improving his speech every day. We are so proud of him!
**is the master of pestering Halle. They fight about 10 times a day (or 20... 30...)
**loves following his Papas around.
**loves going to school each week.
**loves helping his daddy with tools, yard work, or anything else Sam is doing.
**is the sweetest little 3 year old around!

Happy Birthday, Chase! We love you!